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和平 的搜索结果
    和平县广兆中学初二女生被未成年孕妇暴打视频 因多看几眼
    海都记者多方了解,5月16日上午,这段打人视频开始在平和及漳州市的同城QQ群和微博、微信圈传播。很快,视频还被上传到一些论坛和视频网站,引起很多人关注。昨日,海都记者采访获悉,被打女生阿花(化名)是平和广兆中学初二学生,事发地在平和小溪镇高南桥附近。2个打人者都是小溪镇人,未满18周岁,其中1人怀有身孕。 目前,平和警方已找到涉事者,立案调查此事。

    2015/5/19 13:12:54 点击:3533
    双语美文:peace 和平之诗
    Guns, bombs, mines and tortures
    Form its massive sound
    But, within its power, within its might
    And within its fearful threats
    Peace is not to be found
    If we kill people, with whom will we live?
    The enemy is not a person; it lies within each of us
    Perhaps just perhaps i...
    2015/5/16 9:20:44 点击:5931
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